Learn how to build on the decentralized web
Account Abstraction Wallet
Working with the SDK

pier Account Abstraction Wallet as a Service SDK

The pier Account Abstraction Wallet as a Service SDK is a library that allows you to interact with the pier AAWaaS API.


yarn add @pier-wallet/lib


Initialize the SDK

For a single chain

import { SmartWallet, Environment } from "@pier-wallet/lib";
const pierWalletSDK = SmartWallet(Environment.ETHEREUMMAINNET, options);


relayerConfig: "[YOUR preferred RPC URL, e.g. Alchemy, Infura, etc.]",
keyValueStore: "[YOUR preferred key value store, e.g. CapacitorSecureKeyValueStore, etc.]",

Future Options (in development)

pierApiKey: "[YOUR pier API key - you can get it from https://dashboard.pierwallet.com/]";
defaultGuardians: "[YOUR default guardians - you can get it from https://dashboard.pierwallet.com/]";

Handle Storage of the Wallet

Secure Storage

import * as SecureStore from "expo-secure-store";
import { WalletType } from "@pier-wallet/lib";
type SerializableWalletType = Pick<
  "smartWalletAddress" | "smartWalletName"
export interface ISecureKeyValueStore {
  save(key: string, value: string): Promise<void>;
  load(key: string): Promise<string | null>;
  remove(key: string): Promise<void>;
  keys(): Promise<string[]>;
export type SecureDataKeys = {
  "pier-wallet": SerializableWalletType;
  [key: string]: any; // Allow additional keys of any type
export class SecureStorage implements ISecureKeyValueStore {
  save = async <K extends keyof SecureDataKeys>(
    key: string,
    data: SecureDataKeys[K],
  ) => {
    await SecureStore.setItemAsync(key, JSON.stringify(data));
  load = async <K extends keyof SecureDataKeys>(
    key: string,
  ): Promise<SecureDataKeys[K] | null> => {
    const dataString = await SecureStore.getItemAsync(key);
    if (dataString) {
      const parsedData = JSON.parse(dataString);
      return parsedData;
    return null;
  remove = async (key: string) => {
    await SecureStore.deleteItemAsync(key);
  keys = async () => {
    return [];
export const secureStorage = new SecureStorage();

Dumb Wallet Storage Manager

import { DumbWalletManager, WalletType } from "@pier-wallet/lib";
import { secureStorage } from "../secureStorage"; // see above
type SerializableWalletType = Pick<
  "smartWalletAddress" | "smartWalletName"
const namespacedWalletName = (userId: string) => `[YOUR-ORG]-${userId}`;
const HARDCODED_PIN = "123456"; // Remark: this will be removed in the future, can be any 6 digit string for now
export class PierWalletStorage {
  async saveWallet(
    userId: string,
    wallet: SerializableWalletType,
    dumbWallet: WalletType["dumbWallet"],
  ) {
    await secureStorage.save(namespacedWalletName(userId), wallet);
    await dumbWalletManager.saveDumbWallet({
      smartWalletAddress: wallet.smartWalletAddress,
      pin: HARDCODED_PIN,
  async getSmartWallet(userId: string): Promise<SerializableWalletType | null> {
    return await secureStorage.load(namespacedWalletName(userId));
  async getDumbWallet(
    smartWalletAddress: string,
  ): Promise<WalletType["dumbWallet"] | null> {
    const dumbWallet = await dumbWalletManager.loadLatestDumbWallet({
      pin: HARDCODED_PIN,
    if (!dumbWallet) {
      return null;
    return dumbWallet;
  async removeWallet(userId: string) {
    await secureStorage.remove(namespacedWalletName(userId));
export const pierWalletStorage = new PierWalletStorage();
// IMPORTANT: this.listWallets() will not work as keys() is not implemented in SecureStorage. Only needed if you want to support multiple different wallets per user
export const dumbWalletManager = DumbWalletManager({
  secureKeyValueStore: secureStorage as any,

Creating a Wallet locally, deploy on the blockchain and add default guardians (optional)

const createAndDeployWallet = async (userId: string) => {
  const smartWalletName = `[YOUR-ORG-NAME]-${userId}`;
  // 1. create wallet
  const createdWallet = await pierWalletSDK.wallet.create({
  const dumbWallet = createdWallet.dumbWallet;
  const pierWallet = {
    smartWalletName: createdWallet.smartWalletName,
    smartWalletAddress: createdWallet.smartWalletAddress,
  // 2. save wallet
  await pierWalletStorage.saveWallet(
  const pimpedPierWallet: WalletType = {
    smartWalletName: pierWallet.smartWalletName,
    smartWalletAddress: pierWallet.smartWalletAddress,
  // 3. deploy the wallet
  const { replaceableTransactionHash } = await pierWalletSDK.wallet.deploy({
    wallet: pierWallet,
  // 4. wait for confirmation
  await pierWalletSDK.transactions.getTransactionConfirmation({
  // 5. add default guardian === pier for now
  await pierWalletSDK.wallet._addGuardian({
    guardianAddress: DEFAULT_GUARDIAN,
    smartWalletAddress: pierWallet.smartWalletAddress,
  return pierWallet;

Recover Wallet with (default) Guardian


const recoverWalletWithDefaultGuardian = async (userId: string) => {
  const smartWalletName = `[YOUR-ORG-NAME]-${userId}`;
  const smartWalletAddress = await pierWalletSDK.wallet.getSmartWalletAddress({
  if (!smartWalletAddress) {
    throw new Error("Smart wallet address not found for a deployed wallet 👀");
  const pierWallet = {
  const dumbWallet = pierWalletSDK.wallet.generateNewAccount();
  await pierWalletStorage.saveWallet(userId, pierWallet, dumbWallet);
  // TODO: Implement PierAPI in YOUR code to call YOUR backend
  await PierApi.recoverWalletWithDefaultGuardian(
  return pierWallet;

Redeem a code

export const redeemCode = async (
  smartWalletAddress: string,
  smartWalletName: string,
  accessCode: string,
) => {
  const txs = await pierWalletSDK.wallet.referrals.redeemCode({
  await Promise.all(
    txs.map(({ transaction }) =>
        replaceableTransactionHash: transaction.replaceableTransactionHash,

Handle Load and Recovery

This is specific to your needs, but examplary:

if (!userId) {
  throw new Error("User not logged in");
const smartWalletName = `[YOUR-ORG-NAME]-${userId}`;
const loadedSmartWallet = await pierWalletStorage.getSmartWallet(userId);
if (loadedSmartWallet) {
  const walletInfo = await await pierWalletSDK.wallet.getWalletInfoForName({
  if (!walletInfo?.owner) {
    // Option A: saved but not deployed --> wait for deployment (or deploy?)
  const dumbWallet = await pierWalletStorage.getDumbWallet(
  // Option B: saved and deployed, but not owned --> recover
  if (walletInfo?.owner !== dumbWallet?.address) {
    const pierWallet = await recoverWalletWithDefaultGuardian(userId); // see above
    return pierWallet;
  // Option C: saved and deployed and owned --> load
  return loadedSmartWallet;
// Option D: deployed but not saved --> save and recover
const isDeployed = !(await isNameAvailable(smartWalletName));
if (isDeployed) {
  const pierWallet = await recoverWalletWithDefaultGuardian(userId); // see above
  return pierWallet;
// Option E: not saved and not deployed --> create, save and deploy
const pierWallet = await createAndDeployWallet(userId); // see above
return pierWallet;