Learn how to build on the decentralized web
Multi-Signature Wallet
Initiation Ceremony

How initiate a new enterprise grade multi-signature wallet

To initiate a pier mutli-signature wallet, a few set of information is required:

  • A human readable name for the wallet

  • The number of transaction signatories

  • The number of required signatures for a transaction to be valid

  • The public keys & human readable name of the transaction signers

  • The number of access right signatories

  • The number of required signatures for an access right change to be valid

  • The public keys & human readable name of the access right change signers

  • Whitelist of addresses that can be used as a destination for a transaction

  • A human readable name for each whitelisted address

Once this informatiuon is gathered off-chain & signed off as part of the implementation project, the wallet can be deployed on-chain:

  1. The person destined with an access-right signatory can use pier's UI to set up these parameters
  2. He can then validate the parameters & deploy the wallet on-chain
  3. Any subseqent changes to the wallet parameters can be done by the access-right signatories directly on-chain with pier's UI